Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Breaking platform promises: the series - V

This one should really have been #1 in the series since it took Stevo less than 24 hours after being re-elected to break it.

The Conservatives and Stephen Harper believe that the current Senate must be either reformed or abolished. An unelected Senate should not be able to block the will of the elected House in the 21st century.

As a minimum, a re-elected Conservative Government will reintroduce legislation to allow for nominees to the Senate to be selected by voters, to provide for Senators to serve fixed terms of not longer than eight years, and for the Senate to be covered by the same ethics rules as the House of Commons.

Steve woke up the day after the election (having thought about the inconvenience of having to actually pass Bills through a democratic vote while holding a minority of seats, perhaps) and lets us know what he thinks of platform promises, honesty, and democracy -

"We … have been very clear in our platform that we don't believe an unelected body should in any way be blocking an elected body," (Harper) said.

"I have held off for a very long time in naming senators," Harper said. "That said, I do not believe it is justified that the Senate would continue to be dominated by a party that did not win two consecutive elections."

Harper said he would be willing to appoint senators himself if his push for reform does not succeed.

“Very clear...” Let’s see...appointing Senators is bad because they block an elected body, but it’s just fine if you appoint ones who won’t block you. Is that it?

Don’t get too comfortable retiring with your kiddies just yet, Fortier. And I’m sure there”s a journalist or two who would be willing to help fill those empty spots in the Senate - just to help out in not blocking Steve’s elected body, of course.

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